Ensuring their children’s success and well-being at school and in all spheres of their life is the top priority of parents, guardians, and caregivers, but when it comes to being able to protect their children from sexual assault, harassment, bullying, cyberbullying, or other assaults, they may simply be at a loss. Very likely, they have received no training to provide them with the information, skills and tools that would enable them to support and guide their child.
COPA National offers opportunities to parents, guardians, and caregivers to acquire information, practical tools, and strategies to both guide and support children at home, and support a safe and welcoming school culture as well. We offer several workshops for them as part of our school programming, and many practical tools and resources online. We have included some of them below this article.
We cannot emphasize enough how important a role parents, guardians, and caregivers have in creating a safe and inclusive school culture. When parents, guardians, and caregivers have the necessary skills and opportunities to influence decisions and take action, they can collaborate with schools in order to reduce their children’s vulnerability to bullying, inequity and exclusion. And when they feel welcome and encouraged to participate meaningfully and the whole school community is mobilized, it can lead to the development of a school culture that respects differences and embraces diversity through promoting equity and inclusion.
Below are some of the free, online resources we offer for parents, guardians, and caregivers.
Our online PLM developed in partnership with the
Ontario Teachers’ Federation offers a wealth of information, ideas, and tools to help educators get parents, guardians, and caregivers involved:
And these short capsule videos for educators are fun and helpful reminders for creating conditions to support cooperation and collaboration.