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In the Classroom



Since its creation in 1995, COPA National has designed and implemented approximately thirty educational programs and created a multitude of tools and resources aimed at preventing aggression, violence, and bullying against children.


Two components:

• Le Programme des travailleuses et travailleurs d’établissement dans les écoles (TÉÉ)

• Le Programme de prévention des agressions



• Generally offered in person, with the option to provide virtual formats for adults

• Research-based and developed by a specialist in the COPA National approach

• Facilitators are highly qualified


Programme des travailleuses et travailleurs d’établissement dans les écoles

• Coordination provinciale du programme des travailleuses et travailleurs d’établissement dans les écoles (TÉÉ)

• Training and development of tools for the TÉÉ

• Coordination of provincial meetings with all partners, including school boards and the TÉÉ

•  Offers workshops ANNA, BÉNA and JONA

•  Funded by IRCC


Programme de prévention des agressions

Notre pouvoir dans l’adversité

• Elementary level (Grades 4 to 6): 3 sessions of 75 minutes each

• Junior High level (Grades 7 and 8): 2 sessions of 75 minutes each

• Senior High level (Grades 9 and 10): 2 sessions of 75 minutes each

• Training aimed at strengthening students' resilience

• Developed to address topics such as bullying, cyberbullying, identity, positive stress, negative stress, and well-being

• Encourages students to identify their internal and external resources

• Includes workshops for adults to equip them to support youth: 1 session of one hour

• Funded by the Ministry of Education​


Le respect, c’est pour toi et moi

Courage 7/8 (Grades 7 and 8): 3 sessions of 75 minutes

En route vers le consentement (for adults) 1 session of one hour

• Training to develop a culture of respect and equip adults to support youth

• Funded by the Ministry of Education



• For students and professionals in education and social work: 1 theoretical session of 3 hours and

1 practical session of 2 hours

• Training on active listening, strategies for identifying and supporting survivors of sexual violence

• Funded by MCCSS - Women's Social and Economic Opportunity​

Contact us for more information

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