COPA National has created several informational and interactive websites aimed at preventing aggre ssion, violence and bullying against children. These are full of resources and tools for parents, guardians, educators, community members—all those who care about the well-being of children and youth.
This is a website with a vast repertory of resources for educators and all those who work in an educational milieu. It offers four different professional learning modules. These interactive modules were developed using the latest research and best practices in creating safe and healthy school environments. They are based on COPA National's unique approach to violence prevention.
This website is for students, educators, parents, guardians, and newly arrived immigrant families in Canada. It contains all of the innovative resources and tools that COPA National has developed to help children and youth flourish and reach their full potential. It addresses issues such as violence and bullying prevention, home and school collaboration, equity, and inclusion.
COPA National is the Provincial Coordinator of Ontario’s Francophone network of Settlement Workers in Schools, known as TÉÉ in French. In this capacity, COPA provides information and training to support TÉÉ services in designated French-language schools. This website contains forms, notices, and documents pertaining to the work of TÉÉ, as well as downloadable resources and information for newly arrived immigrant families.
French only
Violence and assault against women, and the inequities they face, continue to create serious problems in our society. This website is full of resources and tools for men that will help them reach out to boys to establish positive dialogues about healthy and egalitarian relationships with girls and women.
French only
This is an interactive website to help young people deal with cyberbullying. It presents a number of different cyberbullying scenarios and then helps young people figure out different ways to protect themselves. It also gives them a chance to practice what to do if they are being cyberbullied or if they see someone else being cyberbullied.
A simple and easy, interactive learning unit to help parents and caregivers explore positive parenting and deepen their knowledge and skills. It presents scenarios of everyday situations and ideas for responding positively, gives an opportunity for deeper thinking, and provides resources for adults to learn more about corporal punishment and COPA National's strategies. Modules are offered for ages 2-4, 5-8, and 9-12.
An online course on bullying prevention for parents and caregivers, this interactive website is a simple and accessible tool that provides the following:
An understanding of what bullying is and information on how to recognize it.
Effective approaches to preventing bullying in our children’s lives and ways to intervene when bullying occurs.
Strategies for communicating with schools and engaging them in meaningful bullying prevention and intervention practices.
Bullying Prevention for Educators →
This is an online, interactive learning tool with the following elements:
Basic information and concepts for understanding and recognizing bullying in schools;
An effective approach to bullying prevention in classrooms and schools and for intervening in bullying situations;
An effective approach based on promising practices for mobilizing the whole school leading to effective bullying prevention and intervention.